Delivery Bee

The Best Route Planner That Saves Time, Money & Fuel.

Stop wasting time in traffic and searching for addresses. Delivery Bee is the ultimate route planning app designed for delivery drivers, helping you optimize your routes, beat traffic, and finish your day sooner.

Stress Free Route Planning,
Every Day

Planning routes with multiple stops doesn’t have to be a hassle.
With Delivery Bee Route Planner, you can:

Find Addresses Effortlessly

Quickly add, optimize, and navigate to any address with your preferred GPS.

Outsmart Traffic Jams

Easily add, remove, or re-optimize stops on the go, even hands-free with voice input.

Get Home earlier

Set priority stops & time windows to avoid delays. Finish your work early and get home earlier.

Start Driving The Quickest Routes And Get Home Early


Download the free app

Available On Android or iOS


Add your stops

Speak, search, or scan to add stops


Optimize your route

Get the fastest, most efficient route

Deliveries Made Easy

Say goodbye to the stress of missed deliveries, lost time, and traffic jams.
Download Delivery Bee today and discover a simpler, more efficient way to deliver.

What Our Client Say